
It’s been a couple of weeks since I wrote, asking for help and support. I want to express our gratitude for the overwhelming response we got from you all. I don’t have the words to express how humbled we are by your generosity. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

With your help, we were able to “get our affairs in order” (ie, pay outstanding bills), and sail to the main island, rent a car and drive into the interior for a provisioning trip- as nice as Culebra is, it is a tiny island outpost, and the groceries available are sparse, expensive, and there’s not a lot of healthy choices. We were able to run in to Costco in Caguas and stock up on the healthier kinds of foods that we’ve been eating for the past year. I hadn’t realized how stressed I was becoming as I watched our pantry dwindle- it is a comfort to open a cupboard now and have ample choice. Gratitude abounds.

By now, we are rested up from our voyage down the east coast and across to Culebra. At the same time, we are still sorting out “What’s Next?”. It is proving to be a difficult course to plot- our compass needle is still swinging wildly between opposing desires. We have, however, set up a framework and initiated a dialogue to help dampen the swinging, and set a true course for the next leg of our voyage together. Stay tuned, we should have some news before too much longer.