With a Little Help From My Friends…

I’ve always like Joe Cocker’s version more than the original…

Friends, this is one of the hardest things things I’ve ever had to do.  I am swallowing my pride and standing before you, tin cup in hand, and asking for your support.  In my head I’m hearing a judgemental voice screaming, “You’re BEGGING!”, followed by, “No, I’m asking people who know us and love us to support us.”

Call it whatever you like, we are in need of your help.  We made a mistake, a big one, in our planning; we mis-understood the timeline for Kate’s Social Security Income to start.  Since last summer, we have based all our planning and expectations on that income to start on 1/20/20. That’s right, tomorrow.  It turns out we mis-read the notification, and that check will not arrive until FEB. 20! We only just discovered this a couple of hours ago- it’s only now that the panic has subsided enough to calmly write this.

Oh, here comes another judgemental voice- “You should have a CUSHION for emergencies like this!”  No argument there, we should have. But we don’t- we put everything we had, physically, emotionally, and yes, financially, to making this trip.  And now here we are, stuck.

I hope you understand that we are not asking for long-term support. We are both looking for work to supplement our SSI- our intention has always been to support ourselves in whatever way we can.  I am writing this today because we are truly in a tight spot, digging for change under the sofa cushions with no other income for another thirty days. We just need a hand getting over this hump.

Please help as you are able. The Donate button below will take you to our secure PayPal account.

Much love, Lee & Kate

2 Replies to “With a Little Help From My Friends…”

  1. Lee and Kate, thanks for asking for help. Everyone needs help from time to time.; I know we have. I have a new job and my first paycheck will be this Friday, Jan. 24. I may be able to help then. You two have been so generous to us in sharing your adventure, we want to be generous in return. Michael and Becky

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