Summer in New England

Kayla working her organization and labeling magic!!
We took a day off to enjoy Gloucester!
Andy tackles the “hell hole” and gives Lee a needed break! Lee says “Bless This Man!”

Usually Lee does his magic with his writing but he has been spending more time than one would ever want to in the aptly nicknamed “hell hole” or what is commonly called the aft locker under the cockpit or engine room or battery room.  In any case it’s not a fun space – very small compared to O Be Joyful and that space wasn’t very big either!  Lee has been practicing what we lovingly refer to as boat yoga.  (Don’t ask about his yoga pants – more on that later) On the plus side he has lost weight and now can bend in ways once not possible!

Wow! Can’t believe its August!!  Needless to say we have been busy with the boat refit – its had its ups and downs but we are oh so close now!!   And we hear that sailing in New England in the fall is spectacular so we will still be sailing up to Maine!  Yay!

My daughter Kayla and her husband Andy came to visit twice! And both times they were a much needed lift to our spirits!  Both were extremely helpful with some projects – 4 sets of hands made the work go faster!  A million thank yous go out them and to Bella the traveling car and boat dog!

Lee has been dealing with an extreme bout of contact dermatitis which started on his hands back in Rockport -we thought it was something that blew in from Hurricane Harvey – but now we think it has something to do with old boats, fiberglass and old paint in the hell hole.  He actually requested that I go to the thrift shop and get him some yoga pants!!  Those that know me and how much I love thrift shopping know how much I loved that request!  I never thought I would see the day that my husband would wear yoga pants!! But jeans are way to hot in this humidity – its been a hot summer in New England – and the dermatitis had spread to his legs so he needed to cover up completely while in the “hell hole”.   Don’t expect any pictures of that!

I’ve gotta brag on how awesome Lee has been in getting all this work done in spite of being so uncomfortable with the dermatitis!! He has gone above and beyond the discomfort and the other challenges that boat life on the hard brings.  I am truly lucky to have him as my partner in all things!

Now that we are getting closer to launching we have been studying our charts for the coast of Maine and getting excited about the next learning curve.   It will be good to have the water under our boat again! We sold our trailer – next will be the car – and then shit gets real again!!

In the mean time when I’m not needed to help with the boat chores I took the copper tubing from the old refrigeration lines we pulled out  and hammered them into bracelets.  I have wanted to do that since we redid O be Joyful! I love reusing things that might go into the trash.   When we went to Willmar, MN to spend some time with my family I found an old rail in my Dad’s shop and my sister Jane bought me a jeweler’s size anvil at a yard sale.  I had the tools and the time – so I hammered out a bunch of bracelets.  So much fun and so therapeutic!  Lee used to be a blacksmith so he gave me some pointers and encouraged me to go at it – love that man!  But the best part is that when Kayla and Andy were here they took the ball and would not let me back out of putting it out to the universe to sell my collection.  I was blown away!  I now have a business – The Sailing Mermaid Jewelry and other arts!  It’s a way for me to keep creating stuff I love and sharing with others and I add money to our sailing kitty!  How lucky am I!!!

Life is good — how are all of you?

We hope you are finding your joy and following your bliss!

5 Replies to “Summer in New England”

    1. Hi Lilah- this is Lee writing. Right now she has her work posted on Instagram and FaceBook (don’t ask me how to get there, I avoid that stuff). We are working on a second website for Kate to feature her artwork. I am so proud and excited for her and how she has jumped into this all the way. We’ll keep you posted on progress and let you know how you can see her work.

  1. So Glad to hear y’all’s wonderful reports; & to share the great news!! Baby Shelby arrived almost 2 1/2 weeks early, and true to her name, labor was so quick(+/-15min) we had an unassisted unplanned dry bathtub home birth. Momma Deanna is a bad-ass, as are y’all for making dreams come true!

    1. Oh HELLyes David! SO glad to hear of Shelby’s arrival- I’ve got tears in my eyes! The unplanned birth sounds harrowing, but yeah, D is one Bad-Ass Mom. Give her a HUGE hug from me.

      And Dude- two daughters? You are SO toast…

      And SO blessed.

      See y’all ’round!

  2. Sounds like Lee has met the Irish husband test – “It takes a mighty fine husband to be better than no husband at all!” ☘️

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