We’re really starting to feel it now- in just a few weeks we’ll be leaving our home of the past five years and heading out into a new life. We’ve been clearing out all our ‘stuff’ from the storage unit, sorting through our clothes and household things on ‘O Be Joyful’, trying to figure out how to pack for our new home.
It’s tricky- we are not only packing for a new location, we are packing for a new way of living. We’ve enjoyed the past five years on ‘O Be Joyful’, basically living in a ‘tiny home’ on the water. It has been wonderful! We’ve had all the comforts of shore life, with very few of the headaches, and our daily life has not been much different from our neighbors who live on dirt. Need something from the store?- hop in the car and run up to HEB. Friends call and want to get together?- what time should we be there?.
What we are about to embark on is a whole lot different. I wish I could describe it for you, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT’S GOING TO BE LIKE! It’s what we both have wanted, and I don’t doubt we are going to have a great time, but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t a bit… unnerved by the thought of the huge step we are about to take.
Onward! Through the fog!